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Developing a Service

This tutorial will explain you how to add a new integrations to the core.

Setup your development environnement

First, you need a working development environment. You can read our tutorials in this doc on how to setup a development environment on MacOS/Linux or Windows.


Create a new folder for your service

All services are located inside the server/services folder.

Create a new folder with the name of your service. The name should be alphanumeric, in lowercase, and with dashes as a separator if needed.

Example of good folder names:

  • wemo
  • philips-hue
  • zwave
  • usb

Create a package.json

The package.json will describe the capabilities of your service, and which dependencies are needed.

You can look on Github for all package.json files, but here is an example of a good package.json:

"name": "gladys-darksky",
"main": "index.js",
"os": ["darwin", "linux", "win32"],
"cpu": ["x64", "arm", "arm64"],
"scripts": {},
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^0.18.0"

Note: os and cpu fields are mandatory. It's useful to tell Gladys if your service runs only on Linux, or is running on windows (win32) and MacOS (darwin) as well.

Create an index.js file

The index.js is the entry point of your service. It's a function that returns all exposed functions of your service.

Here is an example index.js file. I'll describe it right after.

const logger = require("../../utils/logger");
const ExampleLightHandler = require("./lib/light");

module.exports = function ExampleService(gladys) {
// here is an example module
const axios = require("axios");

// @ts-ignore: TS doesn't know about the axios.create function
const client = axios.create({
timeout: 1000,
* @public
* @description This function starts the ExampleService service
* @example
async function start() {
logger.log("starting example service");

* @public
* @description This function stops the ExampleService service
* @example
async function stop() {
logger.log("stopping example service");

return Object.freeze({
light: new ExampleLightHandler(gladys, client),
  • The index.js file should expose 2 functions: start, and stop. Those functions are mandatory, and should respectively start the service or stop it.
  • All the required dependencies listed in the package.json should be done inside the function, not outside. This is because we want each service to be fully isolated and not crash if the NPM module crashes.
  • The gladys variable is the Gladys instance and gives you access to all the Gladys API. A service shouldn't try to contact the database itself, it should only use the Gladys API. If a query is missing, don't hesitate to code a new function in Gladys API.
  • Comments on top of functions are mandatory and serve not only for documentation purpose, but for type checking as well.

Linking your service to Gladys

When your service is ready to be tested, you can edit the server/services/index.js file and add the require to your service.


Gladys 4 main goal is to be a reliable and stable core.

Therefore, all services of Gladys should be fully tested with a test coverage > 90%.

Tests of services are located in the folder server/test/services.

I suggest you have a look at the tests of the example service to give you an idea of how the tests should look.

To run the tests, in the server folder run:

npm test

If you want to execute only the tests relative to your service, you can add .only to your tests, example:

describe.only("ExampleService", () => {
const exampleService = ExampleService();
it("should have start function", () => {

(Be careful to remove the .only before commiting)

Note on Mocking: Your tests are probably calling a third-party NPM module. We recommend that you mock all calls to the module using proxyquire like here. Your tests shouldn't call real-world API!

Adding API routes

Your index.js can return a controllers attribute.

A good example of how a REST API was implemented in a service is the Philips Hue service.

Have a look at the index.js file and the api folder.

Code quality

We use a pretty strict eslint configuration.

Use VSCode for developement to see linting issues in real time, or execute npm run eslint in the server folder to see all linting errors.


Gladys 4 frontend is a preact app.

If you want to add features to the frontend, you can edit the code in the front folder.

All the code relative to the UI of services is located in the front/src/routes/integration/all.

Submit your service

If you think your service is good enough to be published, congrats!

You can submit a GitHub pull request to the repository.

Read: How to create a pull request.

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