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If you have configured a MQTT Broker with your Gladys installation, you will have access to the Gladys MQTT API.

Here are all the MQTT topics available, each one with an example message to send:

Push a decimal device state

Say you have a temperature sensor sending data to Gladys, you'll have to send it's temperature values to:

Topic: gladys/master/device/:device_external_id/feature/:device_feature_external_id/state
Body: 22.2

Push a text device state

If you want, you can send text to Gladys to display it on the dashboard!

Gladys Assistant MQTT text

You need to create a "Text" device in the MQTT integration, then publish a message on this topic:

Topic: gladys/master/device/:device_external_id/feature/:device_feature_external_id/text
Body: Hello Gladys!

Push a state to a device

Say you have a MQTT light, and you want it to be controlled in Gladys.

The light will need to subscribe to this topic:


Where it will receive values such as:


Meaning "The light needs to be turned on".



Meaning "The light needs to be turned off".

Launch a scene with MQTT

You can now launch a scene using MQTT by posting a message on the topic:


By replacing SCENE_SELECTOR with the scene selector, which can be found in the scene edition URL.

For example, for the scene, you'll need to send a message to the topic:


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