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Gladys Assistant's 2020 Year In Review

· 4 min read
Pierre-Gilles Leymarie
Founder of Gladys Assistant

Hi all !

Like every year, it is time for a new annual review for Gladys Assistant !

Let's go for the 2020 year in review :)

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Emails are sent by Pierre-Gilles Leymarie, founder of the project. You can unsubscribe at any time 🙂

The new major version Gladys Assistant 4 is available, rewritten from scratch!

· 8 min read
Pierre-Gilles Leymarie
Founder of Gladys Assistant

Hi all,

It's a big day, after almost 2 years of work by the whole community, Gladys Assistant 4 is available, for free download as usual!

Gladys 4 devices

You can embark on the adventure by following the tutorials:

Now let's go back to the decisions that led to this fourth version of Gladys Assistant 🙂

Join the community, and get the latest news about the project!

Emails are sent by Pierre-Gilles Leymarie, founder of the project. You can unsubscribe at any time 🙂