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Gladys Assistant 4.5 is available, with the multi-dashboard feature!

· 3 min read
Pierre-Gilles Leymarie

Hi all,

Today we are releasing Gladys Assistant v4.5, a version that is bringing lots of new features to Gladys Assistant! Let me show you!

What's new in Gladys Assistant 4.5?


It's now possible to have multiples dashboards in Gladys Assistant.

Multi dashboard Gladys Assistant

You can create several dashboards, and each of them have a unique URL, so you can add bookmarks on your browser to your favorite dashboards.

You can select the dashboard you want to display:

Switch dashboard Gladys Assistant

And it'll switch to another dashboard, easy!

Camera dashboard Gladys Assistant

Disabling a scene

It was a highly requested feature, it's now possible to disable a scene in Gladys Assistant! Finally!

If you are prototyping a scene, going on holiday, or simply want to disable an annoying scene: you can do it now!

Disable scene Gladys Assistant

New "Set device value" action in scenes

It's now possible to control any device in a scene:

  • You can control the color of a lamp
  • Control the temperature of a lamp
  • Control any multilevel value

Control device scene Gladys Assistant

It's very powerful, and I hope you'll like it!

Enhancing the user at home dashboard box

Small change, it's now possible to select which user to display in the "user at home" dashboard box.

Select users in user at home box Gladys Assistant

Lots of performance improvements

As the forum was very quiet this summer, I took the time to work on some more long-term tasks.

I migrated preact-cli (the tool we use to build Gladys frontend) to their new release 3.x. It was not easy, but definitely worth it, as it reduced by a lot the size of the javascript bundle.

I did quite some work on removing some heavy library that were not necessarely needed in the frontend, to make it lighter and faster!

I hope you'll enjoy the new speed :)

A first alpha for the Google Home integration in Gladys Plus

I've been working on integrating Gladys Plus with Google Home, the goal is to be able to control your devices:

  • In the Google Home app
  • Vocally with a Google Home device
  • With Google Assistant on your phone

Here a short demo of the integration on Twitter.

If you are interested in testing this, please send me a message on the forum!

New Zigbee2mqtt devices compatible

A few new Zigbee2mqtt devices were added:

  • TuYa TS0601 Air Quality Sensor and CO2 feature #1247
  • Philips Hue 929002241201 #1259
  • Light color feature #1203

Fix Bluetooth bug

There was a recurrent bug where Gladys was not be able to connect to the Bluetooth driver as the driver was not "ready".

This is now fixed in Gladys Assistant v4.5.

Read more on this commit: Bluetooth check state before scan + stop presence scanner #1194

How to upgrade?

If you installed Gladys with the official Raspberry Pi OS image, your instance will update automatically in the coming hours. It can take up to 24 hours, don't panic.

If you installed Gladys with Docker, make sure you are using Watchtower. See the documentation.

With Watchtower, Gladys will update automatically.

Thanks to contributors

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release and gave their feedback on the forum!

If you want to talk about this release, you're all welcom on the forum !